Musical:"Legally Blonde" in COEX Artrium

I went to see this musical with my cousins 29th November. It was perfomed at the Coex where is really really far from my town(Seriously I don't like making appointment near kang-nam), so my sister and I was late little bit even we left home 2 hours from starting time. Anyway we were not allowed to get to our seats, we had to sit backward untill end of scene one.

But It was awesome, the main atress was Ji-Woo Kim that day(there are 3 actress perfoming as Ell), she could sing and dance well. Story was very fun I kept to laughing so badly. I like the original movie as well, the story is not serious though, it gives me like happiness.

After the musical, I took a picture and had dinner at the Marche with my cousins. I shopped little, I got hairband and t-shirt and so on. I bought a pretty hair accessory for my cousin because her birthday was coming soon.

It was really fun day with good people ^0^*

[ESL] Types of Classroom Speaking Performance

Imitation is carried out not for the purpose of meaningful interaction, but for focusing on some particular element of language form. (e.g., learners practicing an intonation pattern a certain vowel sound.)

Drills offer students an opportunity to listen and to orally repeat certain strings of languages that may pose some linguistic difficulty.

Intensive speaking goes one step beyond imitative to include any speaking performance that is designed to practice some phonological or grammatical aspect of language.
Intensive speaking can be self-initiated, or it can even form part of some pair work activity, where learners are “going over” certain forms of language.

A good deal of students speech in the classroom is responsive: short replies to teacher- or student-initiated questions or comments.

Transactional language, carried out for the purpose of conveying or exchanging specific information, is and extended form of responsive language.

It carried out more for the purpose of maintaining social relationships than for the transmission of facts and information.

Students at intermediate to advanced levels are called on to five extended monologues in the form of oral reports, summaries, or perhaps short speeches, Here the register is more formal and deliberative. These monologues can be planned or impromptu.

[ESL] What makes Listening Difficult?

In spoken language, due to memory limitations and our predisposition for “chucking”, or clustering, we break down speech into smaller groups of words.

Learners ca train themselves to profit from such redundancy by first becoming aware that no every new sentence or phrase will necessarily contain new information and by looking for the signals of redundancy.

Reduced forms:
Reduction ca be phonological, morphological, syntactic, or pragmatic. These reductions pose significant difficulties especially for classroom learners who may have initially been exposed to the full forms of the English language.

Performance variables:
In spoken language, except for planned discourse, hesitations, false starts, pauses, and corrections are common.

Colloquial language:
Idioms, slang, reduced forms, and shared cultural knowledge are all manifested at some point n conversation. Contractions and other assimilations often pose difficulty for the learner of English.

Rate of delivery:
The number and length of pauses used by a speaker are more crucial to comprehension than sheer speed. The hearer may not always have the opportunity to stop the speaker. Instead, the stream of speech will continue to flows!

Stress, rhythm, and intonation:
The prosodic features of the English language are very important for comprehension.

Conversation is especially subject to all the rules of interaction: negotiation, clarification; attending signals; turn-taking; and topic nomination. maintenance, and termination.

about Good-looking

People’s appearance and dress have always been used to show their social status to others within their community. But, as cultures evolve and people have gained more free time to devote towards grooming, how people look has become increasingly more important. These days, people spend lots of money on their images, as well as they tend to judge people by their looks, Likewise people put too much weight on fashion and appearance. I’m going to talk about that is this true that looks are everything.

People waste a greater amount of time and money on clothes, shoes, acc and improving their outward appearance that ever before. Some people completely replace their closet every season, because they want to keep up with current fashion. and We can shop more easily than before as using internet for shopping. After several clicks, the items are delivered to home. It made shopperholic who are addicted to shop.

This trend is also reflected in the cosmetics industry, as new products promising younger looks sell out even they are very expensive.

However, the most extreme example is plastic surgery. In an attempt to regain their youth or fix what are perceived to be flaws, people endure extreme pain and spend lots of money, as well as risk their lives, for the benefits of cosmetic procedures. As a matter of fact, nowdays, it is not hard to find articles in the newspapers about people who lost their lives during these drastic procedures.

Moreover, people determine other’s worth based on how they look. In our society, there is more and more support for the notion that one has to be attractive in order to be successful. For instance, the fact that more attractive people have a competitive advantage in careers in reflected by the rise of many mediocre entertainers. These popular singers are not as skilled as less famous singers, but have made millions of dollars due to their looks. In today’s music industry, for singers, it is quite true that being good-looking is the key element to commercial success rather than their musical talent. This reinforces in people’s minds that looks are more important than anything else.

In summary, the amount of money spent and the tendency to judge others based on their appearance show that people have become too fixated on fashion and their looks. Just as on should not judge a book by its cover, on should also realize that beauty is only skin deep.

Popular Ideas About Language Learning and Teaching

Popular Ideas About Language Learning and Teaching

1. Languages are learned mainly through imitation.
Imitation, repetition, and memorization can be helpful for beginning language learners. Role of imitation is important in developing intonation and pronunciation. Language learners should also make the effort needed to understand and to make them understood in meaningful communication.
* strongly agree → disagree
I thought repetition is the good way in which can memorize quickly when I learn L2. But It was not totally true. So I agreed with the statement. But I knew language learners rearrange what they heard, words or structures. I think it’s amazing ability so that they can choose the needed word and use properly.

2. Parents usually correct young children when they make grammatical errors.
Parents tend to focus on meaning and correct lapses in politeness, incorrect word choice, or errors that interfere with communication.
* agree → strongly disagree
I’ve thought we normally learn language at school. I think that I think a little short. When I was little, it was the first time that I learnt how to have conversation with person from my parents. They also corrected my wrong of use rather than wrong of grammar.

3 . Highly intelligent people are good language learners.
If the emphasis is given on learning about the language (grammatical accuracy), people with high IQ may be more successful. But if the emphasis is given on interactive language use, learners with a variety of abilities can be also successful language learners.
* strongly disagree → disagree
I think everybody has the ability of language acquisition if learner has normal intelligent.

4. The best predictor of success in second language acquisition is motivation.
There are other factors involved such as age, language learning aptitude, learners’ learning styles etc.
* agree → agree
Even though there are lots of options, I still think motivation is very important for language learning. I think teacher also need motivation.

5. The earlier a second language is introduced in school programs, the greater the likelihood of success in learning.
If native-like performance is targeted, the earlier exposure to L2 can be desirable. Otherwise it can be more efficient to begin L2 teaching later. In programs offering one or two hours a week, older children (10-years olds) can catch up quickly those who began earlier (six- or seven-years olds).
* agree → neutural
It’s hard to say whether not earlier is good. I’ve thought earlier is much better but there are evidence in which cannot prove that idea. So I don’t know exactly. But I think how is more important than when.

6. Most of the mistakes that second language learners make are due to interference from their first language.
Learners from different linguistic backgrounds also make the same kinds of errors. If languages (L1 & L2) belong to the same language group, learners can also take advantage of similarities—including the alphabet, cognate words, as well as some basic syntax.
* strongly agree → agree
It makes obviously different depends on first language. For example, Korean students learn Japanese more easily than English. But the first language is the one factor of the reason making errors.

7. The best way to learn new vocabulary is through reading.
Instruction that simply focuses on getting the main ideas from the text is not helpful. And Instruction of good strategies for learning and remembering vocabulary will benefit second language learners.
* strongly agree → strongly agree
When I went to school, I had to just memorize vocabulary lists, and had test which has lists as well. Sometimes I didn’t know how to pronounciate or other meaning. Sometimes I didn’t understand a text due to I know only one meaning. It is really bad way. I totally agree with this statement.

8. It is essential for learners to be able to pronounce all the individual sounds in the second language.
Sencond language learners’ ability to make themselves understood includes not only their ability to articulate each individual sound but also to reproduce prosodic features (rhythm, stress, intonation, phrasing, flow).
* disagree → disagree
I think pronounciation is very important when we lean languge, and it should be first step for L2 acquisition. And it is better from native speaker teacher and with full sentences, Korean students have trouble with speaking and listening, especially exact pronouciation. We need concider good teaching method.

9. Once learners know roughly 1,000 words and the basic structure of a second language, they can easily participate in conversations with native speakers.
Basic conversational language involves only a limited number of words and sentence types. However, language learners should learn the pragmatic features of the new language (how to show respect, make requests, and ask for permission).
* agree → strongly agree
If you think about real conversation in Korea, we do not use difficult words due to it is unnatural and awakard. I think it is important how properly use languge than how much do you know.

10. Teachers should present grammatical rules one at a time, and learners should practice examples of each one before going to another.
Language development is not linear, but involves processes of integrating new language forms and patterns into an existing interlanguage.
* strongly disagree → stongly disagree
This is too unrealistic. In order to communicate in L2, learner need to run more broad way. But for begginer linear teaching could be useful. It should be combined with other ways.
11. Teachers should teach simple language structures before complex ones.
Certain language features are learned before others. Second language learners will benefit from the efforts of teachers to modify their speech to help them understand. It does not mean simply using simple language structures but involves a range of adjustments (more repetition, slower rate of delivery, paraphrasing, etc.).
* strongly agree

12. Learners’ errors should be corrected as soon as they are made in order to prevent the formation of bad habits.
Errors are a natural part of language learning and reflect the patterns of learners’ developing interlanguage systems (overgeneralization or inappropriate transfer of L1 patterns).
Role of corrective feedback for L2 learners*

13. Teachers should use materials that expose students only to language structures they have already been taught.
Students can also understand the general meaning of texts that contain vocabulary and structures that have not been taught.
Providing ‘comprehensible input’ (i+1 )
Loss of motivation

14. When learners are allowed to interact freely (in groups or pair activities), they copy each other’s mistakes.
When L2 learners speak to others at similar levels of proficiency, they do not necessarily produce more errors than they do when talking to more advanced English speakers.
Role of group or pair work

15. Students learn what they are taught.
The fact that learners are provided with much richer language input does not mean they will acquire it right away.
Learners will learn certain features when they are developmentally ready.
Vocabulary can be taught at any time.

16. Teachers should respond to students’ errors by correctly rephrasing what they have said rather than explicitly pointing out the error.
Recast: giving students information they need without embarrassing them and without interrupting the flow of interaction.
Learners may not always know which language features the feedback is focused on.
More explicit forms of feedback is needed with younger learners, as they might hear recasts as confirmation rather than as corrections of form.

17. Students can learn both language and academic content (science, history) simultaneously in classes where the subject matter is taught in their second language.
Increased motivation
Increased exposure to the target language
Students encounter a wider range of vocabulary and language structure (which can help develop their comprehension skills, vocabulary, and general communication skills).
Grammatical accuracy is problematic: Form-focused instruction can be added to the content-based instruction.

American Society

Martin Luther King Jr.
I am interested of the black history in America lately since I am learning American society and culture. This was not the first time I learn about blacks. I have already read the most famous speech 'I have a dream' by Martin Luther King Jr. last year. In fact, I was so moved, about to cry in the end of it and I found and watched the video clip from Youtube. It blowed me up.
I changed my opinion about the U.S.A after reading the 'people's history of the United States' by Howard Zinn. I think I have chance to see the same history in totally different ways. It was not only American history but also Korean history. When you think about the writers who work for goverment and also rich, want to be a hero, they could wrote in their side. For example, the Independent revolution was known to the real victory, achievment for Americans. Actually It was same situation controlled by between England and the New powered gorverment for poor people, they were still hungry and hard to get freedom.
I read the books about Martin Luther King Jr. and Mongomery Bus Boycott. Then I felt horrible because I knew how white people treated blacks. I heard that the white people thought that blacks are not smart and they cannot take care themselves, so white people should help them. I think that is just they wanted not to feel guilty about the slavery and discrimnation.
Anyway this experience made my view much broad! All people are same!!

My New Weekend Bobby

I started to bake. I always wanted to bake on my own since the stuff from bakery shops are getting really expensive! you know -_-

Finally I could start because my mom bought small oven for me ^^, I went to the shop that I can get bakery stuff like mix powder, pans, chocolate and so on.

Those aren't cheap, actually...But I thought I can save a lot of money long long time later! yay~~*

I baked muffins which have some nuts and chocolate but the shape was so ugly (I still don't know why -_-^;;) but taste was quite yammy~~ My father liked those( He is kind of picky, actually. That's why I can say those were yammy.)

After I bake GGAE-CHAL-BBANG(It's hard to translate, but I'm sure almost people know what it is, right?)

It was PERFECT~!!!!! SO SO SO YAMMY >_<

I want to show the pictures of them,,, you know what! I forgot to take picture them.
I think I concentrate on baking too much 'ㅡ';;

I will post pictures next time!! I can't wait to bake again^^ It's my new hobby~


I am CRAZY about this drama!!

Oh my god! I spent to watch this drama whole weekend!!

So addictive + _+;;

I will watch this instead of "IRIS" on WED, THU~

New Template!!!


I found really really cute template!

So I changed although I had to do add most of gadgets once again^^;

My favorite sites


This is the famous cafe for job hunters in Korea.

I visit here more than 10 times recently since I am looking for a job.
It has the whole steps how to apply job, how to write a resume, how to interview everything.

If you visit this cafe, you can get the latest information of job openings, also you can get a lot of people' opinion(I think this is really helpful because many people advice to someone' situation or else truly.

Sometimes I share my opinion and get a good advice. ^^*


Actually I prefer watching something to reading.
So I visit this site for getting news sometimes, I enjoy the top 20 videos a day that are hot issues or UCCs that is really fun etc.


I visit here whenever I miss my friends who are in other contries. I update my photos sometimes, and I say hello to friends, get to know what are they doing.

I can chat with people who are online but this is annoying somtimes.