Popular Ideas About Language Learning and Teaching

Popular Ideas About Language Learning and Teaching

1. Languages are learned mainly through imitation.
Imitation, repetition, and memorization can be helpful for beginning language learners. Role of imitation is important in developing intonation and pronunciation. Language learners should also make the effort needed to understand and to make them understood in meaningful communication.
* strongly agree → disagree
I thought repetition is the good way in which can memorize quickly when I learn L2. But It was not totally true. So I agreed with the statement. But I knew language learners rearrange what they heard, words or structures. I think it’s amazing ability so that they can choose the needed word and use properly.

2. Parents usually correct young children when they make grammatical errors.
Parents tend to focus on meaning and correct lapses in politeness, incorrect word choice, or errors that interfere with communication.
* agree → strongly disagree
I’ve thought we normally learn language at school. I think that I think a little short. When I was little, it was the first time that I learnt how to have conversation with person from my parents. They also corrected my wrong of use rather than wrong of grammar.

3 . Highly intelligent people are good language learners.
If the emphasis is given on learning about the language (grammatical accuracy), people with high IQ may be more successful. But if the emphasis is given on interactive language use, learners with a variety of abilities can be also successful language learners.
* strongly disagree → disagree
I think everybody has the ability of language acquisition if learner has normal intelligent.

4. The best predictor of success in second language acquisition is motivation.
There are other factors involved such as age, language learning aptitude, learners’ learning styles etc.
* agree → agree
Even though there are lots of options, I still think motivation is very important for language learning. I think teacher also need motivation.

5. The earlier a second language is introduced in school programs, the greater the likelihood of success in learning.
If native-like performance is targeted, the earlier exposure to L2 can be desirable. Otherwise it can be more efficient to begin L2 teaching later. In programs offering one or two hours a week, older children (10-years olds) can catch up quickly those who began earlier (six- or seven-years olds).
* agree → neutural
It’s hard to say whether not earlier is good. I’ve thought earlier is much better but there are evidence in which cannot prove that idea. So I don’t know exactly. But I think how is more important than when.

6. Most of the mistakes that second language learners make are due to interference from their first language.
Learners from different linguistic backgrounds also make the same kinds of errors. If languages (L1 & L2) belong to the same language group, learners can also take advantage of similarities—including the alphabet, cognate words, as well as some basic syntax.
* strongly agree → agree
It makes obviously different depends on first language. For example, Korean students learn Japanese more easily than English. But the first language is the one factor of the reason making errors.

7. The best way to learn new vocabulary is through reading.
Instruction that simply focuses on getting the main ideas from the text is not helpful. And Instruction of good strategies for learning and remembering vocabulary will benefit second language learners.
* strongly agree → strongly agree
When I went to school, I had to just memorize vocabulary lists, and had test which has lists as well. Sometimes I didn’t know how to pronounciate or other meaning. Sometimes I didn’t understand a text due to I know only one meaning. It is really bad way. I totally agree with this statement.

8. It is essential for learners to be able to pronounce all the individual sounds in the second language.
Sencond language learners’ ability to make themselves understood includes not only their ability to articulate each individual sound but also to reproduce prosodic features (rhythm, stress, intonation, phrasing, flow).
* disagree → disagree
I think pronounciation is very important when we lean languge, and it should be first step for L2 acquisition. And it is better from native speaker teacher and with full sentences, Korean students have trouble with speaking and listening, especially exact pronouciation. We need concider good teaching method.

9. Once learners know roughly 1,000 words and the basic structure of a second language, they can easily participate in conversations with native speakers.
Basic conversational language involves only a limited number of words and sentence types. However, language learners should learn the pragmatic features of the new language (how to show respect, make requests, and ask for permission).
* agree → strongly agree
If you think about real conversation in Korea, we do not use difficult words due to it is unnatural and awakard. I think it is important how properly use languge than how much do you know.

10. Teachers should present grammatical rules one at a time, and learners should practice examples of each one before going to another.
Language development is not linear, but involves processes of integrating new language forms and patterns into an existing interlanguage.
* strongly disagree → stongly disagree
This is too unrealistic. In order to communicate in L2, learner need to run more broad way. But for begginer linear teaching could be useful. It should be combined with other ways.
11. Teachers should teach simple language structures before complex ones.
Certain language features are learned before others. Second language learners will benefit from the efforts of teachers to modify their speech to help them understand. It does not mean simply using simple language structures but involves a range of adjustments (more repetition, slower rate of delivery, paraphrasing, etc.).
* strongly agree

12. Learners’ errors should be corrected as soon as they are made in order to prevent the formation of bad habits.
Errors are a natural part of language learning and reflect the patterns of learners’ developing interlanguage systems (overgeneralization or inappropriate transfer of L1 patterns).
Role of corrective feedback for L2 learners*

13. Teachers should use materials that expose students only to language structures they have already been taught.
Students can also understand the general meaning of texts that contain vocabulary and structures that have not been taught.
Providing ‘comprehensible input’ (i+1 )
Loss of motivation

14. When learners are allowed to interact freely (in groups or pair activities), they copy each other’s mistakes.
When L2 learners speak to others at similar levels of proficiency, they do not necessarily produce more errors than they do when talking to more advanced English speakers.
Role of group or pair work

15. Students learn what they are taught.
The fact that learners are provided with much richer language input does not mean they will acquire it right away.
Learners will learn certain features when they are developmentally ready.
Vocabulary can be taught at any time.

16. Teachers should respond to students’ errors by correctly rephrasing what they have said rather than explicitly pointing out the error.
Recast: giving students information they need without embarrassing them and without interrupting the flow of interaction.
Learners may not always know which language features the feedback is focused on.
More explicit forms of feedback is needed with younger learners, as they might hear recasts as confirmation rather than as corrections of form.

17. Students can learn both language and academic content (science, history) simultaneously in classes where the subject matter is taught in their second language.
Increased motivation
Increased exposure to the target language
Students encounter a wider range of vocabulary and language structure (which can help develop their comprehension skills, vocabulary, and general communication skills).
Grammatical accuracy is problematic: Form-focused instruction can be added to the content-based instruction.


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