American Society

Martin Luther King Jr.
I am interested of the black history in America lately since I am learning American society and culture. This was not the first time I learn about blacks. I have already read the most famous speech 'I have a dream' by Martin Luther King Jr. last year. In fact, I was so moved, about to cry in the end of it and I found and watched the video clip from Youtube. It blowed me up.
I changed my opinion about the U.S.A after reading the 'people's history of the United States' by Howard Zinn. I think I have chance to see the same history in totally different ways. It was not only American history but also Korean history. When you think about the writers who work for goverment and also rich, want to be a hero, they could wrote in their side. For example, the Independent revolution was known to the real victory, achievment for Americans. Actually It was same situation controlled by between England and the New powered gorverment for poor people, they were still hungry and hard to get freedom.
I read the books about Martin Luther King Jr. and Mongomery Bus Boycott. Then I felt horrible because I knew how white people treated blacks. I heard that the white people thought that blacks are not smart and they cannot take care themselves, so white people should help them. I think that is just they wanted not to feel guilty about the slavery and discrimnation.
Anyway this experience made my view much broad! All people are same!!


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