Musical:"Legally Blonde" in COEX Artrium

I went to see this musical with my cousins 29th November. It was perfomed at the Coex where is really really far from my town(Seriously I don't like making appointment near kang-nam), so my sister and I was late little bit even we left home 2 hours from starting time. Anyway we were not allowed to get to our seats, we had to sit backward untill end of scene one.

But It was awesome, the main atress was Ji-Woo Kim that day(there are 3 actress perfoming as Ell), she could sing and dance well. Story was very fun I kept to laughing so badly. I like the original movie as well, the story is not serious though, it gives me like happiness.

After the musical, I took a picture and had dinner at the Marche with my cousins. I shopped little, I got hairband and t-shirt and so on. I bought a pretty hair accessory for my cousin because her birthday was coming soon.

It was really fun day with good people ^0^*


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